Welcome to attend the NMC2018

Session 1: 2D Materials

ang lay kee ricky frt nmc2018


Prof. Ricky Lay-Kee Ang
Head, Science and Math
Interim Head of Pillar, Professor (EPD) and Ng Teng Fong Chair Professor for SUTD-ZJU IDEA
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore
Talk Title: Electron emission theories for 2D-materials and applications

Myung Ho Bae frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Myung-Ho Bae
Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Republic of Korea
Talk Title: Energy dissipation in low-dimensional system

Ah Jin Cho frontier research today nmc2018


Dr. Ah-Jin Cho
Nano Inspired Laboratory, School of Integrated Technology
Yonsei University, Republic of Korea
Talk Title: Two-dimensional semiconductor based transparent solar cell and its performance enhancement

Yuan dong frontier research talk nmc2018


Dr. Yuan Dong
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of Missouri, USA
Talk Title: Multiscale Modeling of Heat Transfer in Low-Dimensional Materials

Seongil Im frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Seongil Im
Director, Van der Waals Materials Research Center
Department of Physics
Yonsei. University, Republic of Korea
Talk Title: Band Gap Estimation of Multilayer 2D Semiconductor Channels Using Graphene Contact in Transistor

Mukul Kabir frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Mukul Kabir
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, India
Talk Title: Vacancy diffusion in graphene

Kausik Majumdar frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Kausik Majumdar
Department of Physics
Department of Electrical Communication Engineering
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India
Talk Title: Optoelectronics using two-dimensional heterostructures

JAIME GOMEZ RIVAS frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Jaime Gomez Rivas
Chair professor of Surface Photonics
Associate Editor of Journal of Applied Physics (AIP)
Department of Applied Physics
Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), The Netherlands
Talk Title: Screened strong light-matter coupling of excitons in multilayer 2D-semicondutors and plasmonic nanocavities

Young Han Shin frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Young-Han Shin
Department of Physics
University of Ulsan, Republic of Korea
Talk Title: The theoretical study on the effect of defects on van der Waals materials

Behnam Sobhaniaragh frontier research today nmc2018


Dr. Behnam Sobhaniaragh
Civil Engineering Program
COPPE / Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil
Talk Title: Numerical modelling of structural responses of nano-composite structures

Bumned Soodchomshom frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Bumned Soodchomshom
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science
Kasetsart University, Thailand
Talk Title: Spin-valley transport property in silicene junction

Rohit Tripathi frontier research today nmc2018


Dr. Rohit Tripathi
School of Electrical, Electronics & Communication Engineering
Galgotias University, India
Talk Title: Comparison of electrical energy and power of PV cells or module with different cells materials in clear sky day condition

LUMIN WANG frt nmc2018


Prof. Lumin Wang
Director of Electron Microbeam Analysis Laboratory (EMAL)
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences
University of Michigan, USA
Talk Title: Irradiation induced defect migration on microstructure modification of materials

Session 2: Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications

Zhifei Dai frt nmc2018


Prof. Zhifei Dai
Chairman of China Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Association in nanobiotechnology
Vice Chairman for Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering in Photonics
Recipient of National Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars
Department of Biomedical Engineering College of Engineering 
Peking University, China
Talk Title: Janus Drug-Drug Conjugate Nanocapsules for enhancing Cancer Therapeutic Efficacy

Ioana Demetrescu frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Ioana Demetrescu
Academy of Romanian Scientists
General Chemistry Department
Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania
Talk Title: Micro and nanocoatings for Biomedical applications improving TiZr alloy performance

Dae Kun Hwang frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Dae Kun Hwang
Department of Chemical Engineering
Ryerson University, Canada
Talk Title: Formation of micro/nano wrinkles on polymeric surfaces

Hongchen Gu frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Hongchen Gu
Dean of Nano-biomedical Research Center
School of Biomedical Engineering
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Talk Title: Functional Nano tools for Medical Diagnostics and Therapy

jiang jiang frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Jiang Jiang
International Lab of Adaptive Biotechnology (i-LAB), SINANO
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Talk Title: Plasmonic semiconductors for photothermal therapy in the NIR-II window

Natalia Krasteva frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Natalia Krasteva
Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering,
Bulgarian Academy of Science, Bulgaria
Talk Title: Carbon-based nanoparticles for application in biomedicine

Kaushal Kumar frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Kaushal Kumar
Department of Applied Physics
Indian School of Mines, India
Talk Title: Rare-earth Ions Doped Upconversion Nano-phosphors: Preparation and Their Applications

Qiao Lin frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Qiao Lin
Director of the Columbia BioMEMS Laboratory
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Columbia University, USA
Talk Title: To be updated

Yinxin Liu frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Yinxin Liu
Director of Department of pharmaceutical engineering
College of Pharmaceutical Science
Zhejiang University of Technology, China
Talk Title: To be updated

J Andrew MacKay frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. John Andrew MacKay
Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Southern California, USA
Tentative Title: Elastin-like polypeptides: Therapeutic applications for an emerging class of nanomedicines

BIKASH MEDHI frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Bikash Medhi
Chief Editor, Indian Journal of Pharmacology(2017 Impact Factor 0.902)
Coordinator, PGIMER Pharmacovigilance Centre, Chandigarh
Department of Pharmacology
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh, India
Tentative Title: Nanomedicine in Central Nervous System (CNS) Disorders: A Present and Future Prospective

TAN Yen Nee frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. TAN Yen Nee
Newcastle Research & Innovation Institute
Newcastle University (Singapore Campus), Singapore
Talk Title: Multifunctional Bio-Plasmonic and Luminescent Nanomaterials for Smart Biosensors and Theranostics Applications

Josep Nogues frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Josep Nogués
Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), Spain
Tentative Title: Applications of exchange coupled bi-magnetic hard/soft and soft/hard magnetic core/shell nanoparticles

Shivendu Ranjan frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Shivendu Ranjan
Faculty of Science
University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Talk Title: Nanoemulsion based nutraceuticals delivery vehicle

Antoine Rodolphe frt nmc2018


Prof. Antoine Rodolphe
Institut Lumière Matière
CNRS et Université Lyon 1, France
Talk Title: Capped gold and silver clusters as efficient contrast agents for bio-imaging? Exploring new routes to enhance their emission properties

Tofail Syed frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Tofail Syed
Department of Physics
University of Limerick, Ireland
Talk Title: Piezoelectricity in bone and collagen: resolving a nano-micro paradox

Palanisamy Thanikaivelan frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Palanisamy Thanikaivelan
Principal Scientist & Head
Advanced Materials Laboratory
CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute Adyar, India
Talk Title: Bio-Hybrid Hydrogel Comprising Animal and Plant Sources Embedded with Protein Capped Silver Nanoparticles for Accelerated Tissue Regeneration in Chronic Tissue Defects

Jiashing Yu frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Jiashing Yu
Biomedical and Tissue Engineering Lab
Department of Chemical Engineering
National Taiwan University, Taipei
Talk Title: Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Polymer Based Bioelectrodes Control Neural Cells Behaviors

Yanzhong Zhang frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Yanzhong Zhang
College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology
Donghua University, China
Talk Title: Shape memory fibrous scaffolds for bone tissue engineering

Session 3: Nanomaterials for Energy and Environmental Applications

Amreesh Chandra frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Amreesh Chandra
Life Member of Indian Science Congress Association
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
Tentative Title: Tuning porous nanostructures of MnCo2O4 for application in supercapacitors and catalysis

Amanda Fernandes Gouveia frontier research today nmc2018


Dr. Amanda Fernandes Gouveia
Department of Chemistry
Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil
Talk Title: Modulation by modelling of the morphology of (nano) micromaterials

Raju Kumar Gupta frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Raju Kumar Gupta
Department of Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India
Talk Title: Noble photocatalytic systems for degradation and detection of pollutants towards wastewater treatment applications

Weidong He frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Weidong He
Advanced Energy & Materials Lab
School of Materials and Energy
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Talk Title: Old separators with new functionalities for high-performance Li ion batteries and beyond

Bhanu Bhusan Khatua frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Bhanu Bhusan Khatua
Department of Materials Science
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
Talk Title: Self-Powered Wearable and Flexible Fast Charging Asymmetric Supercapacitor Power Cell using Fish Swim Bladder as an Efficient Natural Bio-Piezoelectric Separator

Kim Young Kuk frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Young-Kuk Kim
Dept. of functional powders
Div. of powder/ceramic materials, Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS), Republic of Korea
Talk Title: A high throughput synthesis of semiconductor nanocrystals and preparation of highly luminescent composite beads for LEDs

Hyoyoung LEE frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Hyoyoung Lee
SKKU-Fellow Professor of Chemistry, Energy Science and SAINT, SKKU
Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea
Talk Title: Novel blue TiO2 nanomaterials for Energy and Environmental applications

Lifeng liu frontier research talk nmc2018


Prof. Lifeng Liu
Leader of the Nanomaterials for Energy Storage and Conversion (NESC) group at INL
Quantum Materials, Science & Technology Department
International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (inl.int), Braga, Portugal
Talk Title: To be updated

Yo Sep Min frt nmc2018


Prof. Yo-Sep Min
Chemistry of Materials & Devices Laboratory
Department of Chemical Engineering
Konkuk University, Republic of Korea
Talk Title: MoS2-based electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution catalysis: a comparative study on synthesis methods

Satyabrata Mohapatra frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Satyabrata Mohapatra
School of Basic & Applied Sciences
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, India
Tentative Title: Enhanced photocatalytic activity of Co doped ZnO nanodisks and nanorods prepared by a facile wet chemical method

Indrajit Mukhopadhyay frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Indrajit Mukhopadhyay
Head Professor of Solar Research & Development Center
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, India
Talk Title: Nano-Structured Si and Graphene/Si composite for Energy Storage Application

Sebastien Poncet frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Sébastien Poncet
Département de génie mécanique
Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
Talk Title: Nanofluid Properties

Xinhua Qi frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Xinhua Qi
Agro-environmental Protection Institute
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
Talk Title: Black liquor-derived porous carbons from rice straw for high-performance supercapacitors

Lijie Xu frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Lijie Xu
College of Biology and the Environment
Nanjing Forestry University, China
Talk Title: To be updated

Xu Zhang frontier research today nmc2018


Dr. Xu Zhang
State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals,School of Petroleum and Chemical Engineering
Dalian University of Technology, Panjin,China
Talk Title: Facile Synthesis of 2D Nitrogen-Containing Porous Carbon Nanosheets Induced by Graphene Oxide for High-Performance Supercapacitors

Session 4: Nanophotonic Devices and Materials

Ray Chen frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Ray Chen
Keys and Joan Curry/Cullen Trust Endowed Chair Professor
Fellow of IEEE, OSA and SPIE
Director of MURI Center for Power-Efficient Silicon Nanophotonics for Optical Computing and Interconnects
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Texas, USA
Talk Title: Silicon Photonics for 2020 and beyond

Emiliano Descrovi frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Emiliano Descrovi
Department of Applied Science and Technology
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Talk Title: Light emission effects mediated by Bloch Surface Waves

yan hong frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Yan Hong
School of Materials and Energy
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Talk Title: Development and characterization of metallo-dielectric nanomaterials

lingling huang frontier research today


Prof. Lingling Huang
Changjiang Young Scholar
School of Optics and Photonics
Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Talk Title: High-dimentional vectorial holographic encryption with metasurfaces

Li Xiaowei frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Xiaowei Li
School of Mechanical Engineering
Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing, China
Talk Title: Electrons dynamics control in ultrafast laser micro/nanofabrication by spatially/temporally shaped pulses

xueming liu frt nmc


Prof. Xueming Liu
Recipient of National Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars
Recipient of Special Government Allowances of the State Council
College of Optical Science and Engineering
Zhejiang University, China
Talk Title: Ultrafast fiber lasers based on the nanomaterial absorber

Jinsub Park frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Jinsub Park
Department of Electronic Engineering, College of Engineering
Hanyang University, Korea
Talk Title: Application of transferable ZTO nanosphere monolayers to optoelectronic devices

Fan Wu frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Fan Wu
School of Mechanical Engineering
Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China
Talk Title: Low dimensional nanomaterials for eliminating electromagnetic pollution

Taka aki Yano frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Taka-aki Yano
School of Materials and Chemical Technology
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Talk Title: To be updated

Zaichun Chen Herman frontier research today nmc2018


Dr. Herman Chen Zaichun
Pillar of Engineering Product Development
Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
Talk Title: Super-resolution imaging by micro-particle assisted nanoscope

Session 5: Synthesis, Properties and Application of Graphene

Xiaoqiang An frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Xiaoqiang An
Center for Water and Ecology, School of Environment
Tsinghua University, China
Tentative Title: Cu2O/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composites for the Photocatalytic Conversion of CO2

shan shan chen frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Shanshan Chen
Department of Physics
Renmin University of China, China
Tentative Title: Large area CVD growth of graphene

Dipali Banerjee frt nmc2018


Prof. Dipali Banerjee
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, India
Tentative Title: Reduced graphene oxide-polyaniline composites-synthesis, characterization and optimization for thermoelectric applications

Lu Gan frt nmc2018


Prof. Lu Gan
College of Materials Science and Engineering
Nanjing Forestry University, China
Talk Title: Magnetically recyclable Z-scheme photocatalyst for organic pollutants removal in aqueous media

Xuan Gao frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Xuan Gao
Department of Physics
Case Western Reserve University, USA
Talk Title: To be updated

Jisang Hong frt nmc2018


Prof. Jisang Hong
Department of Physics
Pukyong National University, Republic of Korea
Tentative Title: Switchable valley polarization by external electric field effect in graphene/CrI3 heterostructures

xianjun huang frt nmc2018


Dr. Xianjun Huang
School of Electronic Science
National University of Defence Technology, China
Talk Title: Radio Frequency and Microwave applications of printed 2D materials

V K Jindal frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Vijay Jindal
Department of Physics
Panjab University, India
Tentative Title: DFT study of optical properties of pure and doped graphene

Oleg Kononenko frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Oleg Kononenko
Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials
Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Talk Title: Large positive magnetoresistance in twisted few layer graphene

Sang Yong Ju frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Sang-Yong Ju
Department of Chemistry
Yonsei University, Republic of Korea
Talk Title: Graphene nanoribbons formed by a sonochemical graphene unzipping using supramolecular template


  Prof. Dong-Kwon Lim
KU-KIST Graduate School of Converging Science and Technology
Korea University, Republic of Korea
Talk Title: To be updated

huan liu frt nmc2018

  Prof. Huan Liu
School of Optical and Electronic Information
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Tentative Title: Sensitive Room-Temperature H2S Gas Sensors Employing SnO2 Quantum Wire/Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites

Sekhar Chandra Ray frontier research today nmc2018

  Prof. Sekhar Chandra Ray
Department of Physics
University of South Africa (UNISA), South Africa
Tentative Title: Graphene Supported Graphone/Graphane Bilayer Nanostructure Material for Spintronics

HIROSHI SAKAGUCHI frontier research today nmc2018

  Prof. Hiroshi Sakaguchi
Institute of Advanced Energy
Kyoto University, Japan
Talk Title: Bio-inspired on-surface fabrication of graphene nanoribbons

Abhay Shukla frontier research today nmc2018

  Prof. Abhay Shukla
Professeur classe exceptionnelle
Institut de minéralogie et de physique des milieux condensés
Pierre and Marie Curie University, France
Tentative Title: A high performance graphene/few-layer InSe photo-detector

Raman Singh frontier research today nmc2018

  Prof. Raman Singh
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Monash University - Clayton Campus (Melbourne), Australia
Tentative Title: Graphene: The Thinnest Known Coating for Corrosion Protection

Sukrit Sucharitakul frontier research today nmc2018

  Dr. Sukrit Sucharitakul
Emergent Phenomena Measurement Research Team,
RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science, Japan
Tentative Title: Intrinsic field effect and Hall mobility in multilayer III-VI 2D semiconductor InSe FETs

PENG WANG frontier research today nmc2018

  Prof. Peng Wang
Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Talk Title: Nano-enabled clean water production by sunlight

xuefeng wang frt nmc2018

  Prof. Xuefeng Wang
School of Physical Science and Technology
Soochow University, China
Talk Title: Undamped plasmon modes with vanishing group velocity in few-layer graphene

Zuojun Wei frontier research today nmc2018

  Prof. Zuojun Wei
Key Laboratory of Biomass Chemical Engineering of the Ministry of Education
College of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Zhejiang University, China
Tentative Title: A New Approach Towards Acid Catalysts with High Reactivity Based on Graphene Nanosheets

heiko weber frontier research today nmc2018

  Prof. Heiko B. Weber
Chair of Applied Physics
Department of Condensed Matter Physics
Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Tentative Title: Linear magnetoresistance in mosaic-like bilayer graphene

Jie Yang frt nmc2018

  Prof. Jie Yang
School of Engineering
RMIT University, Australia
Tentative Title: Free and forced vibrations of functionally graded polymer composite plates reinforced with graphene nanoplatelets

Liudmila Yolshina frontier research talk nmc2018

  Prof. Ludmila Avgustovna Yolshina
Institute of High Temprature Electrochemistry
Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Talk Title: Synthesis and properties of “in situ” grown graphene inside metallic matrixes

Zhihong Zhu frontier research today nmc2018

  Prof. Zhihong Zhu
College of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies
National University of Defense Technology, China
Talk Title: Wave polarization controlling and perfect absorbing in graphene-based subwavelength structures

Session 6: Topological Insulators

Anastasiia Antonenko frontier research today nmc2018


Dr. Anastasia Antonenko
Department of Solid State Physics
Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
Talk Title: Nuclear magnetic resonance in topological insulators: Bi2Te3 and Bi2Se3

ARUN BANSIL frt nmc2018


Prof. Arun Bansil
University Distinguished Professor
2017 Highly Cited Researcher (Clarivate Analytics)
College of Science
Northeastern University, USA
Tentative Title: Colloquium: Topological band theory

Saskia Fischer frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Saskia F. Fischer
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Physics
Section Experimental Physics / Chairs
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Talk Title: 2D layered transport properties from topological insulator Bi2Se3 single crystals and micro flakes

gong ru lin frt nmc2018


Prof. Gong-Ru Lin
Life Distinguished Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
National Taiwan University, Taipei
Tentative Title: Soliton compression of the erbium-doped fiber laser weakly started mode-locking by nanoscale p-type Bi2Te3 topological insulator particles

Pasquale Marra frontier research today frt nmc2018


Dr. Pasquale Marra
Dipartimento di Fisica "E. R. Caianiello"
Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy
Talk Title: To be updated

oleg misochko frontier research today nmc2018  

Prof. Oleg Misochko
Institute of Solid State Physics
Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Talk Title: Coherent phonons of high- and low-symmetry in the topological insulators

Katsuhisa Taguchi frontier research talk nmc2018


Prof. Katsuhisa Taguchi
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
Kyoto University, Japan
Talk Title: Photovoltaic anomalous Hall effect in line- node semimetals

Long Jing Yin frt nmc2018


Prof. Long-Jing Yin
School of Physics and Electronics
Hunan University, China
Talk Title: Imaging stacking domain walls and topological edge states in bi- and trilayer graphene by STM/STS

Session 7: Solar Cells

Abul Kalam Azad frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Abul K Azad
Los Alamos National Laboratories, USA
Tentative Title: Metasurface Broadband Solar Absorber

Pallab Banerji frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Pallab Banerji
Head, Materials Science Centre
Department of Materials Science
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
Talk Title: To be decided

Chang Hee Cho frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Chang-Hee Cho
Department of Emerging Materials Science
Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology (DGIST), Republic of Korea
Talk Title: Shaping semiconductor nanostructures towards broadband optical absorption

Raghvendra S Dubey frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Raghvendra S. Dubey
Head, Department of Nanotechnology & Research
Co-ordinator, Swarnandhra College of Engineering & Technology,India
Tentative Title: Optical absorption enhancement in 40 nm ultrathin film silicon solar cells assisted by photonic and plasmonic modes

Shigeru Ikeda frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Shigeru Ikeda
Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Konan University, Japan
Talk Title: Solar cell and photoelectrochemical properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films fabricated by wet chemical techniques

Su Il In frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Su-Il In
Green and Renewable Energy for Endless Nature (GREEN) Lab
Department of Energy Systems Engineering
Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea
Talk Title: Highly Efficient Photoconversion of CO2: Controllable Transition from C1 to C2 Products

Yoshitaro NOSE frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Yoshitaro Nose
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Kyoto University, Japan
Talk Title: A novel absorber material ZnSnP2 - crystal growth and device

Rosaria Puglisi frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Rosaria Puglisi
National Research Council
Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems, Italy
Talk Title: Advanced materials and processes for Silicon based solar cells

SANG Liwen frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Liwen Sang
International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA)
National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan
Talk Title: Novel concept of intermediate band for III-V Nitride solar cells

Ganesh Datt Sharma frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Ganesh Datt Sharma
Department of Physics
The LNM Institute of Information Technology, India
Tentative Title: Improved power conversion efficiency by insertion of RGO-TiO2 composite layer as optical spacer in polymer bulk heterojunction solar cells

SHIMIZU Makoto frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Makoto Shimizu
Graduate School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Renewable Energy Conversion Engineering
Tohoku University, Japan
Talk Title: Effective solar energy conversion based on spectral control of thermal radiation via monolithic absorber/emitter

Anand Singh frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Anand Singh
Electrical and Electronics Department
Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, India
Talk Title: Economic analysis of solar based hybrid energy system

Jonathan E Spanier frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Jonathan E. Spanier
Associate Dean
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Drexel University, USA
Talk Title: To Be Decided

Elijah Thimsen frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Elijah Thimsen
School of Engineering & Applied Science
Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Talk Title: Electron transport characteristics of films comprised of transparent conducting nanocrystals synthesized by plasma

Xudong Zhao frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Xudong Zhao
Director of Research
Professor of Engineering
Faculty of Science and Engineering
School of Engineering and Computer Science
University of Hull, United Kingdom
Talk Title: Key technologies for the novel solar driven heating and cooling systems

Session 8: Carbon Nanomaterials

Suthee Boonchai frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Suthee Boonchui
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science
Kasetsart University, Thailand
Talk Title: Chirality Effects on an Electron Transport in Single-walled Carbon Nanotube

Jow Lian Ding frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Jow-Lian Ding
Associate Director for Administration
School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering
Washington State University, USA
Talk Title: Effects of filler/matrix interface and filler alignment on the mechanical performance of polymer nanocomposites reinforced respectively with carbon nanotube, carbon nanofiller, and graphite nanoplatelet – a numerical study

Hansang Kwon frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Hansang Kwon
Dpepartment of Materials System Engineering
Pukyong National University (PKNU), Republic of Korea
Talk Title: Graphene nanotubes reinforced aluminum based superprofile

Jarrn Horng Lin frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Jarrn-Horng Lin
Department of Materials Science
National University of Tainan, Tainan City
Talk Title: Unexpectedly Promoting Effect of Carbon Nanotubes Grown During the Non-oxidative Coupling of Methane over Copper Catalysts

Mujahid Mohammad frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Mujahid Mohammad
Saiyyed Hamid Senior Secondary School
Aligarh Muslim University, India
Tentative Title: Synthesis, characterization and electrical properties of visible-light-driven Pt-ZnO/CNT

Luca Valentini frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Luca Valentini
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale
University of Perugia, Italy
Talk Title: Polymer-like carbon nanotubes in regenerated silk for nanocomposites

Velmurugan R frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. R. Velmurugan
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India
Talk Title: Shape memory polymers with CNT In Aerospace Applications

Yang Yan frontier research today nmc2018


Dr. Yang Yan
School of Petroleum and Chemical Engineering
Dalian University of Technology, China
Talk Title: Ionic liquids assisted synthesis of porous carbon materials for energy storage devices

Session 9: Nanotechnology for sensors

Dae Sung Chung frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Dae Sung Chung
Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology, Republic of Korea
Talk Title: To be updated

Brajesh Kumar frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Brajesh Kumar
Centro de Nanociencia y Nanotecnologia
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Ecuador
Talk Title: Future prospect of Phytochemicals in Nanotechnology: Photocatalysis and Sensing

jianguo liu frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Jianguo Liu
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Nanjing University, China
Talk Title: Nanoporous gold for sensor and fuel cell catalysts

Sung Hun Yoon frontier research today nmc2018


Prof. Songhun Yoon
Department of Nanomaterials Engineering
School of Integrative Engineering
Chung-Ang University, Republic of Korea
Talk Title: Conversion based anode application of carbon nanocomposite with vanadium metal oxides/halide nanocrystals



Dr. Zhesheng Chen
GALAXIES beamline, SOLEIL Synchrotron, France
Talk Title: High performance photodetector and advanced electron spectroscopy studies based on layered InSe


Prof. Boklae Cho
Division of Industrial Metrology
Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Republic of Korea
Talk Title: To be decided


Prof. Young Jun Kim
BioMedIT, Electronics & Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea
Talk Title: A Novel “Micro-capillary ELISA” for Detecting Salivary Biomarkers Aiming for POC Applications


Dr. Jieun Lee
School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
The University of Sydney, Australia
Talk Title: Plasmon NPs decorated Graphene nanofibrous membrane for photothermal membrane distillation system


Prof. Tomohiko NAKAJIMA
Advanced Coating Technology Research Center
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
Talk Title: Solar energy conversion to high-value-added reagents on nanoporous sponge photoanodes


Dr. Sohyeon Seo
Department of Chemistry
Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea
Talk Title: Functional Molecular Junctions derived from Double Self-assembled Monolayers on Graphene


Dr. Feng Shen
Agro-Environmental Protection Institute, Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), China
Talk Title: Dual-Functional Templated Methodology for the Synthesis of Hierarchical Porous Carbon for Supercapacitor


Dr. Amna Sirelkhatim
Faculty of Education, Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST), Khartoum, SUDAN
Talk Title: Surface Modification of ZnO Nanoparticles by Core-Shell Nanoparticles Decreased Cytotoxicity towards HeLa Cancer Cells: A facile Approach for Safer Nanomaterials


Dr. Venkatesh Vijayaraghavan
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Talk Title: Mechanics and modelling of hybrid boron-nitride carbon nanotube reinforced composites



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Supporting Publication

nano micro letters frontier research today

Nano-Micro Letters
2017 IF 7.381
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